Sunday, January 11, 2009


"The music was still pouring in all brass and drums and the violins miles up through the wall. The window in the room where I had laid down was open. I ittied to it and viddied a fair drop to the autos and buses and walking chellovecks below. I creeched out to the world: 'Goodbye, goodbye, may Bog forgive you for a ruined life.' Then I got on to the sill, the music blasting away to my left, and I shut my glazzies and felt the cold wind on my litso, then I jumped."

This is a major turning event in the book. The classical music, which has been a motif for Alex's childhood and his childish ways, would eventually lead to his attempt at suicide. It juxtaposes earlier references to the music, which once made him so happy but now drive him mad. The imagery created by the descriptive diction also shows how disturbed Alex seems to be in his mind.