Friday, December 19, 2008


"And all the time the music got more and more gromky, like it was all a deliberate torture, O my brothers. So i stuck my little fingers real deep in my ookos, but the trombones and the kettledrums blasted through gromky enough. So i creeched again for them to stop and went hammer hammer hammer on the wall, but it made not one malenky bit of difference"

This simile shows how the symbol of music is used now to show him going crazy. It juxtaposes the way music was used in the beginning of the novel, because it once represented peace and serenity. Now, it is shown to be used as a form of torture, and the repetition of hammer emphasizes how crazy it is making Alex. This is ironic, because music was always the one thing that could calm him down his whole life and now it is the one thing that makes him go mad more then anything.